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Future Plans: VICI Beauty School
Favorite Volleyball Moment: Making it to Regional Finals and beating
Ozaukee to get there.
Favorite Food: All food! (Food Mania)
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Song: “Runaway” –Love and Theft
Favorite Athlete: Kerri Walsh and Misty May
Favorite Desert: Cheesecake
Person that Most Inspires You: Jim Sabourin (Grandpa)
Most Embarrassing Moment: Taking out Mrs. Weavers while running into
the game –at County Tournament
“The leadership you brought to the team made a huge impact. You will always
be my back row buddy!”-Erika
“Kaslin was one of the best liberos in the conference due to her drive to
get every ball she could no matter how much it hurt.” –Kristen
“Kaslin was everywhere the other team tried to hit. She always sacrificed
her body for the ball.” –Rachel
“Kaslin hustled hard for every ball in the back row.” - Stephanie Ruppel
“Kaslin is the team’s little fire ball. She always had loads of energy and
it showed when she would hustle after every ball.” –Becca
“Kaslin was always full of energy which made her a great back row player.”
“Kaslin was great at getting the balls up to the setter.” - Steph TeStroote
“You were an amazing back row player!” -Malorie
"Kaslin always kept her head up and was a great libero!" -Jackie
"Kas was always smiling and laughing on the court." -Nikki
"I honestly felt safer when Kaslin was on the court with me. She was ALWAYS
low (and not just because she's short:)) and kept the team tied together.
She worked her butt off continuously and was always running or sliding. I
think she had the most floor burns out of anybody. No one has a bond like we
do and no one can understand why we would make glasses out of tape on our
faces. We're just the cool." -Kim
"Kaslin always stayed positive." -Seneca
"I loved how you always brought joy to the team and always had a positive
attitude. I'm really going to miss your fantastic passes." -Ashley
"Kaslin sacrificed her body for every ball and was extremely energtic and
fun to be with." -Macy
"Kaslin was such a good passer! Those beautiful passes will be missed
next year!" -Laura
"Babe Ruth – Kaslin –Was Ruthless. Did a great job as our libero. It was a
roll she hasn’t played before but really found her niche at the end of the
season. I remember all the balls she dug up against Dominican. She played
amazing. I really wish I could use her for another season for I know with a
year of familiarity she would kick butt." -Coach Weavers |
Up Kristen Rachel Kaslin Kim Erika Malorie Laura Ashley Cheyenne Stephanie T. Jackie Stephanie R. Becca Nikki Macy Seneca |