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Future Plans: Hopefully attend Hope College
Favorite Volleyball Moment: The bus ride home from Ozaukee
Favorite Food: Scrambler
Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Song: “Party in the USA”- Miley Cyrus
Favorite Athlete: Phil Dolhouser
Favorite Desert: Peanut Butter Oreo Cheesecake
Person that Most Inspires You: Family
Most Embarrassing Moment: Tripping in the middle of a basketball game
with no one around me.
“Your enthusiasm and energy towards the team really lifted everyone’s
attitude!” –Erika
“Kristen I had the best time being captain with you. You're just one of
those girls that people wish they were as good as. You are unbelievable
girl! Show them who's boss! It’s a memory I will
never forget!” –Kaslin
“Kristen gave it her all in everything she did, no matter what the score
was.” –Rachel
“Kristen clicked very well with the setter to spike it straight down!”
–Stephanie Ruppel
“Kristen is a great leader who could that awesome hit that would switch the
momentum back into our favor.” –Becca
“Kristen was our got-to-girl. She always knew what to do, and we knew she
could do it.”-Cheyenne
“You were great at pep talks before going in the game.” –Steph TeStroote
“You were an awesome hitter!” -Malorie
"Kristen you are a great hitter and blocker!" -Jackie
"Kristen was always optimistic." -Nikki
"She was always dependable and clearly an asset on our team. Her attitude
was outstanding and she kept the teams attitude together as well. She had
amazing blocks especially during Ozaukee against Erin. She knows how to fire
herself up as well as the team and that keeps the momentum going." -Kim
"Kristen had amazing hits!" -Seneca
"You were a fantastic volleyball player. I wish you the best in college and
I will miss you next year." -Ashley
"Great leader on the team and tons of fun to be with." -Macy
"Awesome middle hitter, captain, and overall player." -Laura
"Kit Kat – Kristen – Had many very important roles on the team and would
have been greatly missed. She was a true captain leading both by example
and with great communication. She was always encouraging the others and
helping them out when they need it. I would yell something out and she would
turn and look at me, shake her head and say she just told them that. She was
a valuable part of the team for other teams would always say they had to
figure out how to stop the Slotman twins. This is why Kristen was chosen
unanimous first team all-conference." -Coach Weavers |
Up Kristen Rachel Kaslin Kim Erika Malorie Laura Ashley Cheyenne Stephanie T. Jackie Stephanie R. Becca Nikki Macy Seneca |